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The Declining Mental Health of my Family Member Affects my Life in a Negative Way

I am trapped in a co-dependent relationship with my partner, and I know I need to break it off, but I can’t seem to do anything about it. I have stopped doing things for myself and focused all my time and energy on my partner’s needs and wishes. Whenever I decide to do something for myself, I feel overwhelmed with guilt. My partner’s mental health is compromised; she has chronic depression, and I believe now that I am feeding it by not letting her do anything for herself by her motivation.

woman asking apologize to offended man after quarrel declining mental health affecting family fights

woman asking apologize to offended man after quarrel declining mental health affecting family fights

We married full of energy and hope; we were on a roll professionally and living a good life. “Janet” started drinking heavily, overdoing it at parties, and the occasional aggression and drunk driving. 

Less than one year later, we married, and things got to a point where it was unbearable. She joined AA and began to see a psychiatrist who medicated her with antidepressants for severe depression. 

Things started to pick up when my partner gave up drinking; however, I noticed she was constantly angry and depressed in repetitive cycles. The depression picked up, and she slept all day until it was time to go to bed, where she would sleep again. I tried to stimulate my partner by thinking of recreational and business projects for us, but nothing got her out of bed. At the psychiatrist, she would get new prescriptions every month, raising the dose of the medication as well as adding new ones. Before I knew it, my partner was on seven prescription drugs for depression, and the situation would still worsen. 

I feel my life energy is low, dropping lower as my relationship is depleting it. You would be saying I should separate and divorce, but I can’t get around to doing it, welcome to co-dependency. I am aware that my mental state and my decisions are not usual or even healthy; I believe I also have co-dependency as a mental illness, and I will seek professional help to help me cope and get through it all.

declining mental health of partner affecting family wellbeing please forgive me unhappy african american male

declining mental health of partner affecting family wellbeing please forgive me unhappy african american male

I discovered I’m not alone, and there is plenty of help available for people like me, psychotherapy, inhouse or outpatient rehabilitation centers, and group meetings. 

If you saw yourself in my story and identified, I wish you luck, and I hope you find the help you need to overcome your situation. I am empowering myself to resolve my life and to be happy once again. I must be brave and eager to take control of my life and will find professional help.

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